Welcome to Rowley World - everything happening in the Rowley household of Jon and Patricia, our beastie boys, Oden and Shai, and our bouncing baby girl, Juliet.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
White Boys Can Jump!
Enjoy the video!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Terrible Two's
Mommy's Daukmai
Imagine a love so strong that saying hello and goodbye in the same day is worth all the sorrow...
Most people only get to dream of angels... I held one of them in my arms.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Oscar Allen Daukmai Rowley
Conceived: October 26, 2007
Calculated Due Date: August 2, 2008
Birth Date: March 2, 2008
Death Date: March 2, 2008
Oscar unfortunately came 5 months too early....
too early to be able to survive outside of his Mama's nurturing belly
too early for Oden to have the role of "big brother"
too early for his Mama to kiss him and nourish him with her breast milk
too early for his Daddy to brag about his every little milestone
too early for his Grandparents to fawn over him
too early for his family to know him
but not too early for everyone to love him
and remember him
Please remember our little boy.........
Oden's new words
Our boy is on a roll. If you ask him to say something, he will more often than not at least attempt to say it.... "cracker" didn't turn out so hot, but "more", "bowl", "home" and "cheese" were all pretty recognizable.
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