Monday, March 8, 2010

Shai can Finally Follow in his Big Brother's Footsteps

Shai is officially walking as of March 8, 2010. He has been taking a step here and a step there for the last 2 days, but today he has put it all together and is actually walking! What a big boy.... now he will follow Oden around even more.

Old Videos We Need to Post

Here are Shai's birthday balloons that he got from Grandma Rowley... moving got in the way to posting this, but better late than never!

And here is video from Shai's first birthday. This video had to be delayed since Patricia couldn't hide her first trimester belly!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Shai Shows Off His Skills

Our little man is getting fancy with his baby skills. He's been clapping and dancing for the last month or two. Recently he learned to smack his lips and "blow" kisses. We're SO proud :)