Everyone was very excited for this years Frederick County Fair. Shai was old enough to go on some rides this year, and he recently started taking interest in farm animals and tractors, so we new it would be lots of fun.
Lots of cool displays, such as this one where you got so see baby chics hatch.
Oden and Shai got to ride on ponies.
Juliet slept peacefully on the sidelines.
Oden loved feeding the goats hay.
This pig has brand new piglets.
We went on some rides.... Oden's favorite was this car ride.
Daddy took Oden and Shai on some rides.
Juliet slept peacefully.
Oden beat daddy in a game of squirt gun racing and
won a stuffed lion.
The boys were clowning around...
and Juliet slept peacefully...