Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dancin' Fools!!

Our family xmas gift this year was Just Dance 4 Wii and we had WAY too much fun playing it!!

Oden was hooked on Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give U Up and Ricky Martin's Living La Vida Loca:

Daddy's pick was They Might Be Giants' Constantinople:

Even Grandma Rowley got in on the action!

Christmas Day

The kids started our day at FIVE in the morning!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sweetest Thing

While cuddling with Oden and nestling her head on his shoulder, Juliet said in her sweet sing-songy voice, "Oden, you make me so happy." It was matter-of-fact innocent truthful sweetness. She is most certainly made of sugar!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was met with much anticipation this year! The count down to Christmas with the advent calendar made sure of that. Grandma Rowley arrived to help celebrate the festivities. And on Christmas Eve (morning) we started in on the Rowley traditions.

The kids got to open one gift each, 

played in the snow,

ate a fabulous ham dinner cooked up by Jon,


   watched A Christmas Story,
laughed (and cried!),

said BYE to Elfie,

and read The Night Before Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dessert Time

There's no shortage of sweetness to go around with the sweets in this household!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Can Fly Like A Butterfly!!

Juliet has spread her wings!!

My sweet pink butterfly!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Peek Up!!

Another crisp fall day and we spent the morning playing both indoors and out! After walking Oden to school, Juliet and Shai spent some time riding their tricycle and big wheel... then headed indoors for some trains, Wiggles, picnic game, couch fort, and a new one - Peek Up!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Juliet Masters the Puzzle

Juliet recently took a liking to puzzles and in less than a week has mastered both the 4- and 6-piece puzzles!! 

And at the exact same age and with the same puzzles that her big brother Oden did!!

We are so proud of her!!

Jumping Juliet

Our baby girl is getting SOOO big!! She loves jumping on the trampoline she got for her 2nd birthday and trying new tricks and stunts on it! She's also very good at "blowing bubbles"!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Day in DC

Today we spent the day visiting some of the museums and gardens of DC. We started at the Natural History Museum, worked our way to the Hirshhorn Museum Sculpture Garden, Air and Space Museum, and then the Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden. It was a beautiful sunny day. We stopped for lunch midway and even spent a little time at the National Book Festival taking place on the Mall lawn. It was a great trip!!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Enjoying the last days of Summer 2012

September is nearing end, the weather is cooling down, and the kids are still enjoying the last days of summer. Here they are at one of their favorite hot spots... Staley Park!

The monkeys climb the monkey bars,

laugh on the see saw,

 zoom down the slides,


swing in the baby swings (even the 6 y.o.!!),

play on the climbing structure,

and smile :)

The Great Frederick Fair 2012

Every year we are lucky enough to enjoy the county fair. This year was no different! 

We got to see all the animals,

play on the farm equipment,

 eat the yummy food, and ride the fair rides!! 
Fortunately the kids are getting big enough to start riding more of the rides and some of them alone!

We really had a blast and can't wait until next year's fair!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Easter 2012

What a great Easter Egg Hunt we had this year.  Everyone helped Juliet find her hidden eggs, and the kids ate lots of candy before breakfast.

Hexbugsville, MD

Daddy has been getting into Hexbugs lately.... and luckily the kids like them too.  Hopefully this helps engage the kids in science and engineering - as Dad has been eyeing those Lego Brainstorm robotics kits.  They really look like fun.

A good amount of this video was also filmed by Oden - our budding filmmaker.

Saturday Morning in April

Early on a Saturday morning Juliet was admiring her big brother, Shai, as he ate his breakfast.  Shai Shai (as she affectionately calls him) is by far her most favorite thing to say in the world.

Juliet is making huge progress in her talking, and easily has 30-50 words now.  She tries saying most words that we ask her to say, and has even begun her 2 word sentences.  What a great time of life this is!

It is a very happy time in Walkersville!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Life Begins at Forty

Our beloved big daddy turned 40 this February and we were so fortunate to share it with him!
We love you!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

T'was a Merry Rowley Christmas

What a grand Christmas we had at the Rowley love nest this year!  Mommy baked up a storm of gluten-free cookies, cakes and treats; Daddy had over 10 days off of work for some awesome QT with the f-a-m-i-l-y; and Gma Rowley was visiting from Michigan.  We got lots of great family time, and everyone loved all the presents that Santa brought.
On Gma's first day in town, Juliet was leading a round of dress-up wearing all of her tutus.  She even let Shai try on one of her hats.

The kids loved seeing Gma Rowley

Christmas morning came with lots of presents, and Juliet got the stroller her momma so wanted her to have.
The boys got momma some comfy socks, and Juliet got her a Barbie so they could play together.

Gma Rowley got an ornament that Oden picked out just for her, as well as a picture book of the kids, and a plate they made for her.

 Daddy and Mommy got a hand-painted plate from the kiddos too!

The boys' favorite gift had to be the inflatable monkey bars...they played on it non-stop.

and it was a very Merry Christmas in the Rowley household - for yet another year.  We can't wait till next year!