Monday, January 2, 2012

T'was a Merry Rowley Christmas

What a grand Christmas we had at the Rowley love nest this year!  Mommy baked up a storm of gluten-free cookies, cakes and treats; Daddy had over 10 days off of work for some awesome QT with the f-a-m-i-l-y; and Gma Rowley was visiting from Michigan.  We got lots of great family time, and everyone loved all the presents that Santa brought.
On Gma's first day in town, Juliet was leading a round of dress-up wearing all of her tutus.  She even let Shai try on one of her hats.

The kids loved seeing Gma Rowley

Christmas morning came with lots of presents, and Juliet got the stroller her momma so wanted her to have.
The boys got momma some comfy socks, and Juliet got her a Barbie so they could play together.

Gma Rowley got an ornament that Oden picked out just for her, as well as a picture book of the kids, and a plate they made for her.

 Daddy and Mommy got a hand-painted plate from the kiddos too!

The boys' favorite gift had to be the inflatable monkey bars...they played on it non-stop.

and it was a very Merry Christmas in the Rowley household - for yet another year.  We can't wait till next year!