Monday, September 24, 2012

Juliet Masters the Puzzle

Juliet recently took a liking to puzzles and in less than a week has mastered both the 4- and 6-piece puzzles!! 

And at the exact same age and with the same puzzles that her big brother Oden did!!

We are so proud of her!!

Jumping Juliet

Our baby girl is getting SOOO big!! She loves jumping on the trampoline she got for her 2nd birthday and trying new tricks and stunts on it! She's also very good at "blowing bubbles"!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Day in DC

Today we spent the day visiting some of the museums and gardens of DC. We started at the Natural History Museum, worked our way to the Hirshhorn Museum Sculpture Garden, Air and Space Museum, and then the Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden. It was a beautiful sunny day. We stopped for lunch midway and even spent a little time at the National Book Festival taking place on the Mall lawn. It was a great trip!!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Enjoying the last days of Summer 2012

September is nearing end, the weather is cooling down, and the kids are still enjoying the last days of summer. Here they are at one of their favorite hot spots... Staley Park!

The monkeys climb the monkey bars,

laugh on the see saw,

 zoom down the slides,


swing in the baby swings (even the 6 y.o.!!),

play on the climbing structure,

and smile :)

The Great Frederick Fair 2012

Every year we are lucky enough to enjoy the county fair. This year was no different! 

We got to see all the animals,

play on the farm equipment,

 eat the yummy food, and ride the fair rides!! 
Fortunately the kids are getting big enough to start riding more of the rides and some of them alone!

We really had a blast and can't wait until next year's fair!!