Sunday, December 27, 2009

Oden Xtreme Sledding

Luckily, we got to take full advantage of the heavy snowfall before it melted. Oden got out sledding a couple of days, but this time was by far the most fun. Our small hill course was well packed, and had a couple of freeze/thaws to make it nice and fast for the sleds. Also, the neighborhood work crew had come through and shoveled the sidewalks, and luckily left a big pile of snow at the bottom of our sledding slope, making a great jump..... After Daddy tested it out a couple of times without Oden getting hurt, we went to get Mommy and the video camera. Oden's friend Zachary made it out also, making for a great time.

Oden loved his first exposure to daredevil sports, and amazingly no bones were broken or tears shed.

1 comment:

Grdm R said...

Oden you are so very brave - I must tell you that your Daddy was afraid of the snow and when his Daddy took him to the Milham Hills to go down the hill with him your Daddy cried all the way down. Love