It all started around 5 AM on Saturday morning (July 31). Patricia, who has been having some good contractions for at least 8-9 weeks now, was having some unusually strong morning contractions. I get up to fend off the kiddos around 5:30 AM, and Patricia decides to take a shower, "just in case". I come back in with Shai around 6 AM to Patricia laying on the bed having just hung up from the doula to say that we are going to the hospital. Standing up, she said her contractions were every 3 minutes. It was time to go!
Luckily, Patricia was very organized for this birth. I grab the pre-packed bag, the camera, video camera, phones and chargers, wake Gma P up (to take over with the boys), and start loading the car. I head back upstairs to find Patricia lying on the hallway floor saying goodbye to her boys while having a contraction. She was laughing and in pain at the same time. We told Oden that Juliet was tickling her from the inside, and she was ready to come out.
Patricia crawled down the hallway and slid down the stairs (she didn't want to stand up!), and we jumped into the Protege. It was a smooth 12-15 minute car ride, and every light changed green for us. Patricia had only 3 contractions in the car, and we had her in a wheelchair and on her way to Labor and Delivery in record time. No obstacles in our way yet. The boys were in good hands at home, and everything was going according to plan...
By the time we got into the room and situated, Patricia was already 8cm dialated. We went through her birth plan one more time with the Doc and nurses (no drugs if possible, let her walk around if she wanted, hold the baby immediately) and we were off to the races. Her contractions had slowed down to about every 6 minutes with her lying down, and I was trying to see if she wanted to walk around (she didn't). But after about an hour she says "I think I want to push" and the nurse ran to get the doctor. The doc checked her out and said we could have the baby if she wanted to, and after breaking the water the pushing began.
This next part was pretty amazing. First contraction I see the baby getting close to the 'exit'. The next contraction I see her black hair....I whisper in Patricia's ear that I love her and that her daughter's hair is dark. Contraction #3 after starting to push (less than 10 minutes!) and Juliet Love is out, I am cutting the cord, and Patricia gets to hold her in her arms. I didn't think it was possible, but Patricia got that baby out in record time. Juliet was beautiful, Patricia was beautiful, and we are a family of FIVE!
6 lbs 3oz, 19 inches long
Born at 8:58 AM on July 31, 2010
Born at 8:58 AM on July 31, 2010
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