Thursday, May 28, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Wonderful Rowley Life

Shia starting to show some personality:

And a view of our wonderful life:

Friday, May 8, 2009

Oden Playing with Shai

I hate traveling away from the kids when they are so young, as they change so much while you are gone. I just got back after 5 days gone, and see sooo many differences!

Shai has gone through several changes just over the last month. He is sleeping several hours at a time routinely (4-6 hrs at a shot), he has gotten to be very alert, enjoys pulling up into a sitting position (and even standing), and he loves Oden's attention. Just since I left last week, he can successfully is able to get his fist to his mouth, and last night slept for 8 hrs! While Oden changes much more slowly, he also had a couple of new 'things': 1) he rolls his eyes to demonstrate a "for goodness sakes" look, and 2) has an exaggerated expression when things are overly silly.... great stuff.

Here is a precious video of Oden playing with Shai. You might not be able to pick up on it, but Shai loves the attention. They are wonderful brothers.

we love our boys!