Thursday, December 31, 2009

The End of a Very Rowley Decade

This being the final eve of the 2000's decade, we were looking back at the important milestones that happened over the last ten years. Here are the milestones that we count as our personal highlights:

May 2001: Jon finishes grad school, turns down a great job at Kimberly Clark in Atlanta to take a much lower paying "post doc" position at BD in North Carolina (for the job content). That was a very good decision for so many reasons.

Sept 2002:
Patricia finishes grad school and takes a measly internship with the EPA to get her foot in the door with the agency, and ends up in NC where she hates it. She plans to transfer ASAP.

May 22, 2003:
The day the worlds collided. Jon was at the RDU airport boarding United flight 5465 to Kalamazoo, Michigan (via Chicago). Patricia was waiting to board the same flight and Jon noticed her while boarding (Patricia always likes to board last). The plane was filling up, and Jon had an empty seat next him. He sees Patricia board the plane and knew that he finally had good plane luck.... she sat right next to him. The next 2 hours flew by, and Patricia got Jon to ask her out for dinner within an hour of taking off...... Fate was on our sides (even though Patricia laughed at Jon when he brought it up)...

Summer& Fall of 2003: Patricia and Jon fall in love in Chapel Hill, NC. The summer is filled with several romantic dates and lots of friends from both sides. They spend almost every day together and become integrated into each other's lives. Jon resists a tempting job offer in Toronto, and Patricia warms up to NC and decides not to move away. The name "Oden" is suggested for a child's name.

March 2004: It all happened so quickly. Jon and Patricia travel to France where Jon proposes on March 12 in Park Monceau, just a few blocks off the Champs Elyssees in Paris. Patricia accepts the marriage proposal after Jon said she couldn't have the ring unless she said "yes". Just 10 months after meeting, the happy couple starts planning their marriage.

April 2004:
Patricia and Jon buy their first house together in the Hope Valley Farms subdivision of Durham, NC. Nice house, no yard - and it was theirs.

November 2004:
After a summer of flip-flopping on where to get married inexpensively, Jon and Patricia fly to Costa Rica over the Thanksgiving holiday week. They spent 10 days touring Cost Rica, and get married near the end of the trip in Tamarindo on November 26. No one was on the guest list. It was the most relaxing and wonderful wedding in the world... EVER.

June 2005:
Jon gets a good job offer back in Ann Arbor at Aastrom Biosciences, solidifying his cell therapy career path. Jon and Patricia sell their house and make the 'temporary' move to Michigan (not quite the destination we had planned). Patricia is able to do a 'rotation' in the Ann Arbor EPA office until being hired on full time. It is great being closer to family. Jon reacquaints with old friends, we make several new lifelong friends while we are there, and we spend lots of good quality time with all of them.

November 2005:
J&P get trigger happy on a house (they had been renting up until then) and end up buying a 90 year old beauty on Broadway St in Ann Arbor. Great house with the best back yard in all of Ann Arbor. But we need a nest, as we were "expecting".

July 4, 2006 -
The Rowley family expands: Oden Allen Keovisat comes into the world exactly 3 weeks early on Independence Day. Our little firecracker changes our lives forever. Patricia is able to take 9 months off of work to stay home with baby Oden, and the grandparents get to visit often.

February 2008:
With Aastrom's stock at $0.60 (trending down) and the economy looking bleak, Jon accepts a job offer at a big, stable company doing exactly what he wants (directing a cell therapy R&D program). The family moves to Frederick, Maryland, with more than a few minor bumps in the road. Patricia is able to stay with the EPA part time as a remote employee.

March 2, 2008:
Oscar Allen Daukmai was born sleeping much too early. We had him cremated and miss him every day.

February 4, 2009:
Shai Allen Phousongphouang was born 4 weeks early, bringing Oden a playmate, and more joy than ever to Rowley World.

December 31, 2009 update:
After almost 2 years in Maryland, we love the area but have not been able to make as good of friends (yet) that we had in Ann Arbor and NC. We are still renting in Frederick, as well as renting out our house in Ann Arbor, but we have an offer on a house locally that could accommodate our expanding family (a great deal on a short-sale, if we get it, in Walkersville, less than a mile from Jon's work!). We have Grandma Rowley and Grandma P in town as often as they can make the trip (2-3 times each per year), and Oden and Shai are growing up knowing them despite the distance. We are hoping to expand the family just a little more in the new decade.

The next 10 years:
Oden and Shai will mature into adolescents. With a little luck, they will have a younger sibling (we need a middle child to torture!). We would like to lay down roots, and we love this area, so we can see staying in Maryland for the next decade and beyond if Jon's career allows it. Staying at Lonza could open up the opportunity for a European rotation, and we would love to live abroad for a few years.

Our personal goals moving forward:
  1. Stay happy and healthy, with a solid family foundation and internal focus while the kids are still young.
  2. Raise well adjusted children that can survive in the world on their own, and hopefully contribute to making it a better place.
  3. Have satisfying careers that don't take us away from the family (too much).

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Blueberry Pie

Momma and Oden took some time to make a playdoh blueberry pie today with Oden's new kitchen. Shai helped, of course.

Oden loves his new kitchen and cooking gear. Oddly, for some reason Shai loves to chew (or is he sharpending his teeth?) on the metal pans.

Christmas Morning Excitement

Oden was soooo excited when he saw all the booty Santa left for him under the tree, he exclaimed "The Christmas Tree is on fire with presents!!!"

We had a wonderful Christmas morning with our boys opening presents.

Life is so very good.

Oden Xtreme Sledding

Luckily, we got to take full advantage of the heavy snowfall before it melted. Oden got out sledding a couple of days, but this time was by far the most fun. Our small hill course was well packed, and had a couple of freeze/thaws to make it nice and fast for the sleds. Also, the neighborhood work crew had come through and shoveled the sidewalks, and luckily left a big pile of snow at the bottom of our sledding slope, making a great jump..... After Daddy tested it out a couple of times without Oden getting hurt, we went to get Mommy and the video camera. Oden's friend Zachary made it out also, making for a great time.

Oden loved his first exposure to daredevil sports, and amazingly no bones were broken or tears shed.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Maryland 2009 Blizzard

Just 2 days before the official start of winter, Maryland was hit by some serious snow!! This was Oden's response when he woke up to it at 7AM, the sun wasn't even fully up yet...

Over the course of the day and night, we got a good 2 feet of snow. Oden had a blast and enjoyed several rounds of snow play with Mama, Daddy, and Gma P.

Day 1 Fun:
Day 2 Fun:

Oden's Preschool Christmas Program

For Christmas this year, Oden's preschool performed a wonderful program of songs and poems. Oden was incredibly excited and we were incredibly proud :)

Jingle Bells and We Wish You A Merry Christmas was performed by all the 3 and 4 yr old classes combined.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Little Elf was performed by just Oden's class.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Grandma Rowley Visits, Nov 2009

Grandma Rowley came to visit for a long Thanksgiving holiday. We went to pick up Grandma in Harpers Ferry at the train station:

Grandma had tons of fun doing crafts with Oden, feeding Shai, making forts for the boys, and helping to put the Christmas tree up.

Overall we had a wonderful visit, and we had a great family Thanksgiving.... so much to be thankful for.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Shai's First Day Crawling

We are so proud of our baby Shai! He started crawling today, and is able to several feet already! Even Oden stated "I am so EXCITED that Shai is crawling!".... Oden loves his baby brother, although Oden is getting less excited about sharing toys.

Big milestone today that we had to get into the blog.

Cheers from the Happy Rowley Family!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monkeying Around on Hallow's Eve

Halloween did not arrive fast enough for Oden this year!! He was extremely excited and anxious to don his get up in exchange for some candy!! Initially I was going to try to talk him into being spider boy so him and Jon could strut their spider stuff together. BUT I decided to let him have his pick. He oscillated between being a pirate and a monkey, and with a little mom persuasion he opted for the monkey. Only appropriate since he's my little monkey jumping around the house all the time! Shai was going to be a dragon (Oden's baby costume) but at the last minute we were given a baby monkey costume. SO appropriate!! And so it was, we birthed 2 monkeys on hallow's eve for the trick-or-treating festivities. They both had ALOT of fun and the candy stash is a daily topic of conversation!! Happy Halloween Everyone!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Dump Truck Song

We were driving on the highway and passing many a dump truck. Oden breaks into verse and sings about the dump trucks....classic.

Oden Swimming

i predict next summer Oden will be sans-water wings and swimming circles around his momma.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Fast Wheels

Oden is becoming a speed demon on his new bike. He's had it for a little over a month now and is racing around on his own. We predict that the training wheels will be coming off in no time!!! Here he is cruising around the neighborhood with his cousins Melissa and Coty.

6 Mth Old Balancing Act

Our baby boy is now 6 months old! He is growing faster than we can believe. He is now rolling over both ways, eating solids, drinking from a sippy cup, and learning how to sit up on his own. Check out this video of Shai's balancing act!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oden Takes a Spill at the Pond

Oden was playing chase with a pretty little girl at the pond, and got a little excited while running around. He took a spill on the hard rock path and scraped his knee up pretty good.

Daddy brought him home and Nurse Mommy was able to make him feel better. We had to talk Oden into a bandage, as he doesn't like them for some reason.

Oden was a big boy though and wore his bandage and went to bed without a fight - he was all wore out!

Shai Giggles & Raspberries

Monday, July 20, 2009

Oden's Continueing Big Boy Adventures

Oden is getting to be such a Big Boy, and he is recording multiple 'firsts' almost every day.

Just this weekend, we outfitted his play fishing pole with a real hook, sinker and bobber, and he caught his first fish all by himself at the bridge on Tuscarora Creek. Daddy and Oden decided to go fishing, and both daddy and Oden caught 3 little sunfish each. It was lots of fun, and we practiced the 'catch and release' strategy, although Oden was very excited to some day catch a fish that could "feed the whole family".

Here is Oden reeling in his first fish!

It was pretty tiny, so we threw it back.....
But Oden had lots of fun, and caught a total of 3 fish for the day... a good haul for a rookie.

Just today, while picnicking with momma at the gazebo, Oden climbed a tree all by himself. He had no help from momma, and was very excited when he climbed into the tree all by himself proclaiming "Look, Momma! I a Big Boy!" It is too bad Daddy was at work, but he looks forward to observing Oden's bigboyclimbingskills soon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oden and the RFF (really fast fish)

Oden loves to feed the fish at the pond with the worms he finds under the sandbox.

When the fish eat the worms, do you see them?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Oden's Birthday Bike

Oden got a new Spiderman big-boy bike for his birthday. He loves it, and is tearing up the neighborhood on it.

Check it:

The Multiple Personalities of Shai

This first video demonstrates what not to do when being attacked by a Ninja. You can see that if I had been a real Ninja, Shai wouldn't have lasted long....

However, at times, Shai can be very chatty and vocal.... and I kind of think that this would have been a much better response to a Ninja attack.

What do you think?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oden Turns 3 (three) !

Oden Allen Keovisat turned 3 yrs old this July 4th! Can you believe it?!? We had a wonderful day with all 3 grandma's. We started out with the traditional dad/son breakfast out (Oden had Alien Pancakes, again). Then we went to Crumbland Farms where Oden got to Moonbounce and go for a pony ride. We had yummy homemade egg rolls for lunch, and then celebrated with cake and ice cream!

Oden got lots of presents (seen in the pics), including books and Geo Trax. Later on, he got a big boy bike! Oden went for a spin around the block, and he loves his new bike.
Such a beautiful family photo!

Oden with Grandma Phousongphouang, Grandma Rowley, and Mathou. He had lots of love all week long.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Shai Giggles for the First Time Today

Our baby boy Shai lights up with grins and giggles today after watching Oden and his friend Zach jump around the house. He's turning into a real little person and reacting to the world. We love it!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shai Getting Ready for the Big Move!

Oden Earns His First Set of Wheels

Oden is now officially potty trained. Mommy got the idea to create a 'currency' for using the potty, and trading in said currency for things he wants. So Oden earns a 'potty shell' every time he used the toilet for #2, and when he saved up his first 5 shells, we went to Toys R'Us to get something he wanted. His first 5 shells were traded in for this new cool new scooter (Daddy sprung for the protective equipment at no cost to Oden). Oden took to the scooter pretty quickly....

as for the potty training; it is going very well. We began to use the potty shells as a negative reinforcement for wetting himself, and he started to lose a potty shell for when he didn't use the bathroom in time. That concept has worked great, and I don't think Oden has had an accident in at least a week..... all is swell in Rowley World!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Wonderful Rowley Life

Shia starting to show some personality:

And a view of our wonderful life:

Friday, May 8, 2009

Oden Playing with Shai

I hate traveling away from the kids when they are so young, as they change so much while you are gone. I just got back after 5 days gone, and see sooo many differences!

Shai has gone through several changes just over the last month. He is sleeping several hours at a time routinely (4-6 hrs at a shot), he has gotten to be very alert, enjoys pulling up into a sitting position (and even standing), and he loves Oden's attention. Just since I left last week, he can successfully is able to get his fist to his mouth, and last night slept for 8 hrs! While Oden changes much more slowly, he also had a couple of new 'things': 1) he rolls his eyes to demonstrate a "for goodness sakes" look, and 2) has an exaggerated expression when things are overly silly.... great stuff.

Here is a precious video of Oden playing with Shai. You might not be able to pick up on it, but Shai loves the attention. They are wonderful brothers.

we love our boys!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Echo Bowl

The best reason to always have the video camera on 'ready'.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Newborn Photo Shoot

We recently had some photos taken of baby Shai and our family. Patricia was supposed to get some maternity photos taken, but with Shai's early arrival, it turned into a newborn photo shoot instead. The photographer, Lisa Handwerk, posted some of our photos at her blog.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dr Oden Helps Fix Daddy's Thumb

Daddy spent a couple hours today in the ER, during prime relaxation hours and everything (during Oden's nap). Daddy lost about 5% of his left thumb due to a food preparation injury. But when Daddy got home from the hospital, Oden was awake and ready to operate!

Thank goodness he got the centipede out of my ear!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Shai 6 week JR comparison

Shai is 6 weeks old!  And look how big he is compared to JR!  Here is Oden's comparative montage: CLICK HERE .  We don't have a 6 week in Oden's montage, but you can see where Shai fits in to the picture.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

75F Today = Cunningham Falls Hike

The week started off cold and snowy, but by Saturday the temp had risen to 75F.  It was beautiful.  So we packed up the family and headed to Cunningham Falls State Park for a nice hike, and to enjoy the mountain lake (which we figured was way to cold to swim in) scenery.
Here we are at the trailhead- what a beautiful family:

Mamma and her boys:

Oden caught 4 or 5 salamanders during the hike.  Here is one of them:And then Oden let it go....Oden was such a big boy, navigating the rocks and roots all by himself:Mamma enjoying getting Shai out into nature:
Oden loved climbing on the rocks:Daddy and Oden playing in the creek at the foot of the Falls
Who is the happiest woman in the world?
Daddy and his boy at the Falls:

75F and the lake was still frozen.  Definitely too cold for swimming...

And last, but not least, a video of Oden throwing rocks in the creek.

Shai is 1 Month Old!

We can't believe it has already been 4 weeks since Shai came into this world. Coincidentally, Shai's 4 week birthday was his actual due date. Shai started out very very different than Oden. Not only did he have lighter hair and not look a lick Asian, he also slept pretty well (sometimes > 22 hrs/day), didn't mind the car seat at all (Oden stressfully screamed his first 6 months), and prefers sleeping on his back (Oden was a tummy sleeper, and slept horribly on his back).

Shai has had lots of changes during these 4 weeks. Just the last couple days he has been awake and alert for ~ 4hrs/day. He has grown out of his newborn diapers, and tipped the scales at 9 lbs at the 1 month well baby visit (20.5" long). All of his stats from the well baby visit put him at the 25 percentile for 4 wk old babies - not bad for being 4 wks behind from the start! Shai is still waking up every 2-3 hrs to nurse at night, but he is getting close to 4hrs during the day sometimes. Shai's neck control is also getting pretty good (as you can see from the video below).

Oden is still smitten with his little brother, and shows him lots of love and affection. Oden was born to be a big brother, that's for sure.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Daddy's 37th Birthday

Well, I turned 37 this year while living in Frederick, MD (never ever thought i'd be living in Maryland!).  We had a pretty subdued day, but it was wonderful none-the-less.  It was one of those "Could life be any ore perfect than this?" kind of days with the kids- fo'shizzle.  I got up and had a couple hours to myself thanks to Patricia and Gramma P taking care of the boys.  Then we had the first outing with Shai (who is 3.5 weeks old already!) to the Mall to look for a new watch for Daddy for his birthday.  I got some 1-on-1 QT with Oden at the grocery store, and we came home and made cupcakes for the celebration.  Below is the Happy Birthday video.

We miss the family in Michigan and the joint Mother-Son brithday's at Grandma ONeal's house.  But Maryland is really good, and we will be seeing Gramma Rowley in a few weeks for another birthday celebration.... enjoy the video!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thanks for the VDay Balloons, GMa Rowley

Oden is loving the balloons that he got for Valentine's Day from GMa Rowley. He loves them too much old....whatever that means.

Thank you GMa Rowley!

Oden Dancing with Gma P

Once the Backyardagans came on, Oden made GMa P get up and dance with him..... so spoiled.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oden and Shai Video - Oden loves his little brother

Maybe not that entertaining for non-family members, but very sweet. Oden is a great big brother already!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Oden likes the Bubblewrap

While Shai sleeps, Oden entertains himself (and Daddy) with the roll of bubble wrap that came with the new (used) iMac. This kid knows how to have fun...

Our Wonderful Life

Oden really loves his little brother, and always wants him to include him.  "Let's play hide and seek with baby Shai!" and "Can baby Shai go the the park with us?".  Oden is very sweet.  He is still always giving his little brother hugs and kisses, and wanted to share everything with him.
Oden loves his little brother, even though he is always sleeping.

Shai has had a couple of alert sessions, but not too many yet : )

But he is still awful cute, eh?

Oden wants to hold him and give him lots of kisses!

Here, he is thinking of waking up.... but doesn't.

This is Shai's way of saying "Momma!  I need milk!!!"

Our baby looks happy and content....

We were able to Oden to the park today too!
It was in the 60's....very nice.

He missed the park during the last cold spell.
Oden was running around and ...

chasing ducks all over!