Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oden Earns His First Set of Wheels

Oden is now officially potty trained. Mommy got the idea to create a 'currency' for using the potty, and trading in said currency for things he wants. So Oden earns a 'potty shell' every time he used the toilet for #2, and when he saved up his first 5 shells, we went to Toys R'Us to get something he wanted. His first 5 shells were traded in for this new cool new scooter (Daddy sprung for the protective equipment at no cost to Oden). Oden took to the scooter pretty quickly....

as for the potty training; it is going very well. We began to use the potty shells as a negative reinforcement for wetting himself, and he started to lose a potty shell for when he didn't use the bathroom in time. That concept has worked great, and I don't think Oden has had an accident in at least a week..... all is swell in Rowley World!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Oden - I am so proud of you and your new scooter - that looks like a real big boy scooter and you ride it really great. I am also very happy that you go to the potty now all the time. Only big and smart boys can do that. I love you and will see you soon. XXXOOO Grdm Rowley