Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Birth of Shai Allen Phousongphouang Rowley

just photos for now, will follow with the story later on

Shai is born 4 weeks early - this is Mommy's first time to hold him. due to signs of respiratory distress, he went strait to the NICU, where he was considered a "Rock Star" patient.
Shai was put onto just 25% Oxygen (we breathe 21%, so not much), and he was able to come off after just 6 hours. However, we couldn't hold him - which sucked.When we awoke the next morning, his face tubes were gone, but he still had the IV in his hand (poor thing). However, we got the go ahead to start feeding at 9:30 AM. He was doing great.

We finally got to hold him (needed the face tubes off), and Patricia cried (Dad may have too). Dad got a cold at the wrong time (the day before!) and had to wear a mask in the NICU. We hope Shai won't come down with a cold when he comes home.

Later that day, we went to get Oden. Here we were clowning around in Mommy's room before heading to see Shai. Both mom and dad were pretty tired.
Baby Shai has a picture of Big Brother Oden in his crib, even in the NICU. Oden loved it.

Oden first sees his little brother.
and is very excited....but he only gets to touch his toes!
First family photo!

Shai gets to go home the same day as Mommy! He was a great NICU patient. Look how small he looks in his infant car seat!

Here we are on the way out! Mommy and Shai are coming home!
Oden loves his little brother, and is smothering him (literally) with kisses and love! Oden must have given his little brother a hundred kisses that night, and would have given him more if we didn't limit the 'exposure'.

Oden loved holding Shai, and Shai survived.

more to come


Christina said...

What precious pictures! You guys are so blessed. Looks like everyone is doing well...hope you all sleep well :)

Sarah said...

CONGRATULATIONS! What a blessing. :-)

Unknown said...

Mazel Tov! Looks like a happier family already, and a very understanding big brother!

the logan crew said...

Congratulations, what a beautiful family! I'm sure it was a surprise for Shai to come so early but he just wanted to be with that sweet big brother of adorable!

Please keep us posted on how everyone is doing. Take care!

Jen Logan