Sunday, March 1, 2009

Daddy's 37th Birthday

Well, I turned 37 this year while living in Frederick, MD (never ever thought i'd be living in Maryland!).  We had a pretty subdued day, but it was wonderful none-the-less.  It was one of those "Could life be any ore perfect than this?" kind of days with the kids- fo'shizzle.  I got up and had a couple hours to myself thanks to Patricia and Gramma P taking care of the boys.  Then we had the first outing with Shai (who is 3.5 weeks old already!) to the Mall to look for a new watch for Daddy for his birthday.  I got some 1-on-1 QT with Oden at the grocery store, and we came home and made cupcakes for the celebration.  Below is the Happy Birthday video.

We miss the family in Michigan and the joint Mother-Son brithday's at Grandma ONeal's house.  But Maryland is really good, and we will be seeing Gramma Rowley in a few weeks for another birthday celebration.... enjoy the video!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Son - We haven't been able to celebrate together yet but I will be their soon. You are so lucky to have a family who loves you so much and I know how proud you are to be a husband, daddy, son, son-in-law, brother, grandson and friend to all you meet. You have alot of titles and I am so proud to say you are my son. Love Mom