Friday, August 31, 2007

Oden Rowley - Associate Toddler

Our little boy is well on his way to being promoted from infant to toddler, with the critical milestone of successfully taking his first steps. Gma saw a couple steps from the pack-n-play to the couch during the day, but he saved the exciting stuff for when Mommy and Daddy got home. You can tell he is showing off during the videos, and that he is very proud and excited about his new skills.

Not only has he begun walking, but he has sprouted 2 more teeth. He won't let Momma look, but it looks like at least two new bottom teeth for a total of 8!

We are very proud of our son's accomplishments, and looking forward to the day, with correct development and him hitting new milestones, to further promote Oden to to full Toddler status.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Oden, Grandma R is so impressed with the rate you are learning new things. You - I believe are full master of the house (oh thats right you have been master since 7/4/06. I Love you lots Gma Rowley