Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Trip to the South

Oden goes to "the South" and experiences a wedding for the first time. Mommy and Daddy took him to NC to visit all their friends that they sadly left behind when they moved to Ann Arbor.

The first few days we stayed with Adam and Emily Reed. They are the super duper nicest and funnest people ever. They bought Oden all his favorite foods so they could be his favorite "Aunt" and "Uncle". Aunt Emily is an artist and knits the most amazing hats and scarves and dresses. You can check out her art at . We plan to get a hat for Oden so he can stay cozy warm this winter! Mommy's favorite was the monkey hat :) Aunt Emily is brewing a baby friend for Oden in her belly. She's due in October and we can't wait to meet their bouncing baby girl!!

Then we went and stayed with "Aunt" Sania and "Uncle" Gabe. They were super great about tip-toeing around and whispering whenever Oden was asleep (Oden's a REALLY light sleeper!). They just bought a fabulous new house and adopted the sweetest dog, Nala.

We got to see other friends like Tanya, Kate, Bryce, Tom, Carrie/Jeff, Sean, Art/Souk and Liz/Pete. They all adored Oden!

The highlight of the trip was "Aunt" Darryl and "Uncle" Rich's Wedding. Aunt Darryl is one of Mommy's best friends, and she was a beautiful bride.

Oden impressed all with his little black suit. He was the most handsome baby there! Plus Aunt Emily bought him some fab elephant shoes to match!!

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